Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pride and Prejudice

This past Sunday, the Girls Editorial Board (GEB) met to choose articles for New Moon's November/December "Pride and Prejudice" issue. We sorted through some great submissions from our readers, including articles about race and gender discrimination, the treatment of gay and lesbian people, and a projection of how the American people may react to a woman president.

Impressed with the great stuff our readers came up with, we took a break and found a cozy spot outside to take some photos. Camera in arm and sun in our eyes, we lined up, all ten of us, and snapped a few shots to put with our first blog post. Hi everyone!

After an ice cream snack (yum, chocolate fudge and whipped cream!), we settled onto the floor and wrote down some of our own article ideas. We asked ourselves a few key questions: Is there prejudice against girls? If so, what? What assumptions do others make about girls before they get to know them? Where do these assumptions come from? What should girls be proud of? How do we celebrate when we're proud of our accomplishments? Are we quick to judge others based on their appearances or the activities they're involved with?

No two girls have the same answer. Which means we want to hear your thoughts! Have you faced prejudice and reacted in a way you're proud of? Are you just bursting to tell someone about something you did? Share your story! And after your done adding your comments, head over to and submit your own Ask a Girl question or advice. If you're feeling extra creative, check out our submission guidelines to learn how you can send New Moon your own articles and ideas!

The more we share with each other, the stronger our community of girls will be!

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